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The Conscious Crafter: A Smart Guide to Eco-friendly Yarn Shopping

Are you looking for ways to save money on yarn and being more conscious of your environmental impact? One option is to consider buying secondhand. Another option is to (re-)use the yarn that you already have. In this blog post, I'll take a look at some ways to reuse yarn, as well as other places to find it second hand or for free.

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a yarn hoarder. I can't resist a good sale, and I always seem to convince myself that I'll find a use for that extra skein of wool someday. But then it sits in my stash, taking up space and gathering dust. That's why I've started trying to be more conscious about my yarn purchases and looking for ways to reuse what I already have.

  1. Reuse: Yarn from old knitwear

If you have an old sweater or other knit items that you no longer wear, you can turn it into yarn by unraveling it. This is a great way to upcycle materials and create something new. This option is so simple and obvious! Honestly I never thought about it until one day my professor at Cambridge University was giving an example for circularity in everyday life by a sweater that his grandmother unravels and re-knits every year.

Below you can find a thorough example of how to do it and what to watch out for.

2. Recycle: Make rag balls

You can also create yarn from any type of fabric, including t-shirts, by cutting it into strips and then knotting the strips together. This is an easy way to create "rag balls" that can be used for knitting or crocheting.

3. Reuse: Scrap yarn

Like most knitters, you may have a stash of leftover yarn from previous projects. Instead of letting it go to waste, try using it to create smaller projects, such as dishcloths or coasters or fancy a challenge and knit a scrappy sweater.

Below is my favourite example of how to do it in a plüsh way.

4. Repurpose: Marketplace and groups

In addition to these options for reusing yarn, you can also find used items at a discounted price through online platforms like Facebook marketplace, buy nothing groups, and de-stash groups, or through classifieds websites like Craigslist and eBay. When I started to get into knitting I scored my biggest haul of 2 large bags for free from a lady who was about to move and had decluttered her home. It was a great way to get introduced to a wide range of variety of yarn and to start to explore knitting.

You can also find items for free through networks like Freecycle, or by shopping at estate and yard sales, thrift stores, or by purchasing items on sale or wholesale.

5. Share: Yarn swap parties

Another option for finding used yarn is to attend a yarn swap party. These events allow you to trade your leftover yarn with others, giving you a chance to try out new colours and textures.

By considering these options for reusing yarn or purchasing it second hand, you can save money and reduce your impact on the environment. Plus, it's a great way to be a part of the circular economy and ensure that our resources are used to their full potential. So the next time you're tempted to buy that extra skein of wool, remember that you can probably find something just as good (or even better!) by shopping secondhand or reusing what you already have.

Let me know what is your experience and if you have even more ideas!